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The Armor of GOD Christian T-Shirt

Ephesians 6: 10-18  describes the armor of GOD:  loins girt about with the truth, breastplate or righteousness, gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, sword of the Spirit, prayer and supplication, and watch out for all saints.  But in order to get truth, peace, strong faith … we need to do some things in our daily lives that  don’t immediately come to mind especially when we our young.

The flesh, selfishness our own sense of I can do everything, and I have to do everything by myself  and I am the only one there is to do everything is so strong it is impossible to overcome. Thats why JESUS died on the cross because we needed a savior.  If it had not been for the LORD JESUS I would have died in my sins. You cannot defeat the world, the flesh, the devil by yourself you will get hurt every time There is no options you either do it yourself and get hurt or do it under GOD and get blessed.  

We need to stay plugged in to the SPIRIT of GOD all the time to keep that armor on. Read the WORD, pray with boldness, watch christian tv, listen to christian tapes, any christian media that is available to you. on a daily basis. at whatever time of the day that is convenient for you. Psalms 1: 2 says meditate in the WORD day and night. I find a verse in the bible that speaks to my naturally born sins, areas that I struggle with. I repeat that verse at least 10 times a day for 30 days. It sounded weird the first time I heard it, buts thats what meditation is and it works. I’ve done it for 4 months now and I get blessed every time. Its now a permanent part of my daily spiritual walk. Be strong in the LORD and the power of his might.


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