About us
A Step Higher grew out of a desire to publish the word of God. A Step Higher T-Shirts are scripturally designed to make you think about the word of God, and the reality of who we are in God and What God can do for you: healing, blessings, favor, salvation, forgiveness of sins, redemption, eternal life…
The Shirt on your back will help you meditate on the Word, It is a witness T-Shirt, a everyday T-Shirt, and it is a T-Shirt designed to usher in the presents of God, In the book of exodus the priest were required to dress according to the commandments of God. A Christian uniform for today.
The Breastplate, the Ephod, and the Miter is the Biblical base, and the Holy Ghost Inspiration and calling for this ministry. When you wear one of these T-Shirts I guarantee you, God is faithful He will bless you.