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$ 18.00

The Breastplate  12 Stones represent the 12 tribes of Israel - 12 foundations of the New Jerusalem inscribed with the names of the 12 apostles - Ark of the covenant: The dwelling place of the LORD was between the cherubim, inside the ark was tablets of law, a pot of manna, and Aaron' rod that budded - The Alter of incense signifies the ascending prayers of the priest - Table of Shewbread now spiritual bread JESUS is the bread of life - The Laver Priest washed their hands before service, now consecration  and sanctification  - The Bronze Alter without the shedding of blood their can be no forgiveness of sins JESUS (his crucifixion) is the lamb of GOD that takes away the sins of the world - The Golden Lampstand Is Illumination, light and understanding. Exodus 28.



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